How to select the Bypass Tray on a Kyocera P8060cdn as the paper source.
The primary OS print dialog box function for selecting the Bypass Tray is inconsistent. Use these steps to successfully change the paper source tray.
Screen captures are from Adobe Acrobat.
Start the normal printing process, and configure settings as needed in the Application Print dialog box (number of pages, two-sided printing, paper size, etc,) and then click on Printer at the bottom.
From the Printer scroll down to reveal the Printer Options menu.
From the Printer Options drop-down on left, click on the Paper Feed option, and select Bypass Tray.
Select Cardstock in the Media Type drop-down menu.
Click OK in this dialog box to save and close.
If prompted to authenticate, click Cancel to close the window. The settings will stick even without authentication.
Click OK or Print on each of the open dialog boxes to close, working back to the primary Print window.
Back on the primary Print window, verify all settings are correct for this print job.
Load or verify the correct paper is loaded in the Bypass Tray on the printer.
Click the Print button to send this print job to the printer.
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